Friday, September 7, 2018

I'm happy to announce an upcoming personal exhibition "BB" - "Bonn-Bonići Bez Broja" within the 1st International Forum "Slovonovo", dedicated to Russian culture in Europe. The opening is on Sunday, September 23 at 1:30 PM – 2 PM in Dukley Gardens, Budva, Montenegro.

Ich lade Sie herzlich ein zu meiner solo Ausstellung in Budva, Montenegro, im Rahmen des ersten internationalen Forums der russischen Kultur in Europa. Die Eröffnung ist am Sonntag, 29. September, um 13.30 geplant.

Friday, March 2, 2018

A few days have passed since the closing of the exhibition, and I am still excited. It was really great - all the month I'd been receiving reviews, praise and photos from the exhibition.

Mor photos are available on FB.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Solo Exhibition in Moscow

If you are in Moscow or around, I'm happy to invite you to the opening of my solo exhibition "You are here" - with maps, collages and more!